Administration, Sales, SCM
Analysis phase
We start the phase by establishing a key user team (promoters) in collaboration with the top management and holding a kick-off meeting with the selected key users.
The selected key users then receive training from us on the Lean standard methodology “SIPOC” (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer).

We also work with the key users to examine the processes coordinated with the top management.
The aim
The aim is to localise and quantify
- Absent or deficient mapping of company processes
- Breaks in the information flow within and between processes
- Redundant information retention within and between processes
- Absent or deficient evaluations, workflows, escalation management to control and monitor processes
- Absent or deficient BI or AI functions to support employees when working in the corresponding processes.
in the existing systems.

The result (performance specification) is:
- A prioritised list of possible digitalisation measures incl. ROI assessment
- The effects of individual measures on the existing organisation and on the work instructions
- An estimate of internal workloads to implement individual measures
- A general schedule for the implementation of individual measures
- An approval application for individual measures.